Click on the link below to read the testimony of Pastor Burdette as delivered in Landmark Christian School Chapel: Testimony
“Shadnor First Baptist Church portrays Jesus` teachings by way of example. They are
genuinely concerned about their fellowman and whatever they are going through,
and they will do everything in their power to lighten another’s load. They show
love in action and deeds, they are truly the arms, feet and legs of Jesus. I am
happy to be a member of the Harmony class at SFBC. PLUS, we have a wonderful Pastor, along with his sweet family.” (Submitted by Mildred Blankenship)
My husband, Reg. Army 30 years, so everyone knows you move every 3 years. When he retired we moved to Florida and I was still trying to get back to Georgia. Things happen and I move back to Georgia and my brother invited me to his church, Shadnor First Baptist. He and his wife were members for over 50 years. It’s hard for me to realize that people stay in one place that long, but I found that most of them grew up in their Church. It doesn’t matter, 1 year or 50 years, the people at Shadnor are full of LOVE,HELP and FRIENDSHIP, a helping hand anytime. I believe I could call on anyone if I needed help. We have a wonderful Pastor, his lovely wife and four handsome sons. (Submitted by Clara Sears)
For some years now, Shadnor has provided me with a Church Family which has demonstated the love of Christ to me. I’m sharing a copied New Year’s Benediction for my brothers/sisters in Christ. “May the coming year be one of increased riches of grace–hearing His voice more clearly, knowing His heart more deeply, resting in His love more fully, trusting His care more completely, walking His pathway more peacefully, knowing His Presence more intimately, blessed by His goodness more abundantly.” — Roy Lessin, Dayspring (Submitted by Ruth Holt)